An independent institution at its foundation in 1836, attached to the University of Liège from 1969 onwards, the Veterinary School has lived in complete autonomy for more than 150 years on the site of Cureghem, in Anderlecht. In 1991, when the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was transferred to the Sart-Tilman, a part of the collection ­accompanied the veterinarians to their new institute. Unfortunately, a large part, which had been temporarily left on site, was stolen or vandalised.

The Veterinary Medicine collection is divided into three parts.

The Anatomy Collection

This collection is primarily an ostéothèque (collection of bones), although it also contains a large number of organs of different animals preserved in formalin and some ancient models. These didactic pieces are used for theoretical and practical teaching of veterinary anatomy and archaeozoology.

The anatomy collection is constantly being expanded by various technicians and researchers according to requests and opportunities. For example, in 1996, F. Ledoux and B. Weyckmans recovered the sea lion (California sea lion) after its autopsy, prepared the bones and assembled the skeleton. This was also the case for the elephant skeleton in 1999, and for the skeletons of two champion horses: Rêve d'Or (1893-1903) and Indigène du Fosteau (1902-1923)

Anatomical pieces are sometimes loaned for scientific exhibitions or events. Some were even used for the filming of the docu-drama Fragonard by Jacques Donjean in 2011.

The Teratology Collection

The historical collection of Teratology (science of the anomalies of the anatomical, congenital and hereditary organisation of living beings) is only a sample of the riches present today in the Faculty. Used as didactic models for students for 150 years, the collection, considered by some as unique in Belgium, is currently no longer really studied and remains unknown to the public, but it is still an important teaching tool.

The Instrument Collection

Over time, some scientific instruments and didactic objects have been replaced by modern instruments. Some of them have become heritage objects, which have been properly registered in the inventories and sometimes restored.

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